Club Resources
Hosting BC Archery Championships
Are you interested in showcasing your club at a BC Archery Championship event? Affiliated clubs are eligible to bid on hosting these events. Please review the following documents. Applications open in August the year prior, watch social media and newsletter for the announcement when we are accepting bids!Hosting a Coaching Clinic
Coaching clinics are scheduled based on learning facilitator availability and location selection. Clinics are held over a full weekend and each trainee is required to complete some pre-work and follow-up work prior to certification.If your club would like to inquire about hosting a clinic, please email the Executive Director.
Hosting the Junior Olympian Program
KidSport BC
KidSport BC provides nominal funds to assist youth to participate in Archery by covering the costs of registration fees. Details of the program, criteria, and more information can be found on their website. The Archer must be apart of a club that is affiliated with BC Archery.Kidsport BC can be offered as great option to cover the costs of BC Archery, Club & program fees for the youth wishing to participate in Archery.
Criminal Record Check - Working with youth and vulnerable persons (CRC Checks)
All volunteers, Organizers, Range Safety Officers(RSO's) and all Coaches are required by BC Archery policy to have Criminal Records Check (CRC) and Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) if working with youth or vulnerable persons. These are only valid 3 years from the completion date.How to get a Criminal Record Check (CRC)?
- Request the BC Archery Link & access Code (free), email the Executive Director
- in person at your local law enforcement office (fee required),
- by completing a request through and sharing your result with BC Archery. This method carries a discounted cost of $25+GST, but then you are able to share (for free) the results with any organizations that are also members of SterlingBackCheck (other service organizations, employers, etc). If you have completed a check through SterlingBackCheck in the previous 12 months, you can share it with BC Archery at no extra cost.
- In order to get the reduced rate of $25+GST, it is necessary to request an invitation from BC Archery through the mybackcheck platform.

Respect in Sport training (for Activity Leaders)
Athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive training and competitive environment that is free of abuse, harassment or discrimination. BC Archery has been implementing processes, procedures and policies to help create and maintain a safe environment for all athletes at every level of participation.
We all play an important role in creating and maintaining a more rewarding, safe and respectful environment for everyone involved.
We all play an important role in creating and maintaining a more rewarding, safe and respectful environment for everyone involved.
The Respect in Sport Activity Leaders Program can help us recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). This program is available on a user-pay basis through the co-branded Archery Canada - Respect in Sport platform.
This training is strongly recommended for anyone working as a coach, official, administrator or volunteer at any club or sport facility.
The cost of the 2.5-hour course is $30 and anyone with an NCCP number will receive 3 PD points upon completion.
Respect in the Workplace (for club leaders and Board of Directors)
Respect in the Workplace was developed to provide organizations, of all sizes, with a standard tool to empower your team with the skills to prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD).
It is about improving culture, first and foremost. The secondary benefit is organizational risk and liability reduction.
This training is recommended for anyone working as a club leader or on the club Board of Directors.
It is about improving culture, first and foremost. The secondary benefit is organizational risk and liability reduction.
This training is recommended for anyone working as a club leader or on the club Board of Directors.
The cost of the 90 minute course is $35 and can be completed at your own pace.
Keeping Girls in Sport (for anyone working with girls in archery)
Keeping Girls in Sport was created to help everyone who coaches girls, even parents, understand how girls develop physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally.
When we understand how and why girls play, we can help every young athlete stay in sport, reach their potential, and remain active long after the competitions end.
This training is recommended for anyone working with girls in coach, club administrator or program developer capacities.
When we understand how and why girls play, we can help every young athlete stay in sport, reach their potential, and remain active long after the competitions end.
This training is recommended for anyone working with girls in coach, club administrator or program developer capacities.
The cost of the 90 minute course is $17 and can be completed at your own pace.