Safe Sport

BC Archery is committed to creating a sport environment that is accessible, inclusive, respects their participants' personal goals, and is free from all forms of maltreatment.


Safe Sport Training

All coaches, officials and volunteers of BC Archery are required to take Safe Sport training. Safe, inclusive sport environments help make sport rewarding and enriching for all. Safe Sport training gives you the knowledge and skills to create those environments by recognizing, addressing and preventing maltreatment in sport.

90-minute e-Learning training

BC Archery Safe Sport Framework

BC Universal Code of Conduct and Organizational Policies

BC Archery's Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy aligns with the BC Universal Code of Conduct and also provides additional responsibilities for coaches, athletes, and officials in a sport-specific context.

In addition to the policies specific to our organization, BC Archery follows Archery Canada policies where applicable.

Reporting Maltreatment

Any individual may report any complaint or alleged incident related to matters that may arise during BC Archery’s business, activities, and events which may or may not contain an element of discrimination, harassment, workplace harassment, workplace violence, sexual harassment, or abuse directly to the Executive Director

The complaint must be in writing, within fourteen (14) days of the alleged incident, although this timeline can be waived or extended at the Executive Director’s discretion.

Canadian Sport Helpline

This free helpline offer support to victims and witnesses of harassment, abuse and discrimination. This anonymous, confidential and independent service allows them to share and validate their concerns, obtain advice on the process to follow and be directed toward the appropriate resources to ensure a follow-up.
abuse free sport