Coaches are a crucial piece in the development of all levels of archers. The coaching pathway is set at a national level and facilitated at a provincial Level using the Coaching Association of Canada's certification program.

Instruction Stream
Coaches in the Instruction stream will already have, or will be trained to have, sport-specific skills and training for beginner to intermediate archers. These coaches may just be starting their coaching careers, or have minimal experience coaching, and want to fine-tune their skills. The courses offered in the instruction stream are, Instructor of Beginner Archer and Instructor of Intermediate Archers.Instructor of Beginner Archers
This type of instructor teaches basic skills to individuals of all ages that have minimal to no experience in archery. The coach will focus on the fundamentals of archery with an emphasis on safety. This is the minimum level of certification to be working with the JOP program at the club-level. This course is intended for first time coaches, who are looking to learn the skills needed to instruct beginner archers, whether at their club, or at a summer camp. The archers they coach will be new to the sport, and generally not competing.
What does the course look like?
Following the completion of this weekend, the coach will be considered a “Trained Coach”. To become certified, the coach will have (12) months to complete their portfolio, to be evaluated by your learning facilitator. This portfolio consists of your workbook, provided to you during the weekend course, a self-assessment, and 2 observations, from another coach, and parents of the archers you are coaching. For all context level’s to be fully certified, you must complete, and pass the CAC’s Making Ethical Decisions online evaluation.
- Instructor Beginner: Reference Manual
- Instructor Beginner: Workbook - Fillable
- Instructor Beginner: Basic Archery Steps
Instructor of Intermediate Archers
This type of instructor helps participants refine basic skills, and introduces a variety of more complex techniques to individuals who already have some experience in archery and who already exhibit a fair degree of proficiency in shooting. An instructor working with intermediate performers is expected to be fairly knowledgeable in all matters related to the selection and adjustment of equipment. This is the minimum level of certification required to accompany a team to the BC Winter Games as a Zone coach or to support an athlete applying for funding.
What does the course look like?
The Instructor of Intermediate Archers course, is also a 1 weekend course, typically 15 hours in length. The Learning Facilitator will begin to introduce more technical coaching skills at this level. Following the weekend, the coach will complete training and a workshop evaluation, consisting of Case Studies and presentations, and be granted “Trained” status.
To become certified, the coach will need to submit a portfolio, consisting of your workbook, as well as complete an On-Site Evaluation with your learning facilitator. This evaluation will be of a practice session with your archers, and observe the coaches skills and intervention tactics with an intermediate level athlete. This can either be done in person, or through video (to be discussed and planned with your learning facilitator).
Competition Stream
Coaches in the Competition stream, will have previous coaching experience and will generally be working with archers in a competitive environment, whether it is at their club, at the Provincial level, or working towards the National Level.Archery – Competition Introduction Coach
The Introduction to Competition course, consists of (2) separate weekend workshops, that are at minimum 6 months apart. The first workshop, is similar to the Instruction of Beginner/Intermediate Archers, where the skills for this level will be introduced by a Learning Facilitator, and provide hands-on training. Following this weekend workshop, the coach will receive trained status
To become certified, the coach will create a Yearly Training Plan (YTP) for a 6 month period, and work through it with their archer over the 6 months, maintaining a log book. Additionally, there will be another workbook to complete, as well as other portfolio tasks. Workshop 2 will provide the opportunity for the coach to present, and defend their developed YTP, and will be evaluated in this workshop. Upon successful completion of workshop 2, the coach will be listed as Certified.
Archery – Competition Development
The Competition Development course, is currently the only course that requires the completion of 6 multi-sport modules before enrolling in the weekend workshops. These course offerings vary by province, and more information can be found on the CAC website. The modules to be completed are:
Coaching and Leading Effectively
Managing Conflict (Online Module and Evaluation)
Developing Athletic Abilities
Leading Drug-Free Sport (Online Module and Evaluation)
Prevention and Recovery
Psychology of Performance
Coaching and Leading Effectively
Managing Conflict (Online Module and Evaluation)
Developing Athletic Abilities
Leading Drug-Free Sport (Online Module and Evaluation)
Prevention and Recovery
Psychology of Performance
(Please note, some exceptions may be made to allowing coaches to enroll in the workshops, without completing the modules, if the courses are not being offered at regular intervals in your region).
Once the multi-sport modules are completed, the coach can register for Workshop # 1. This is a weekend course, approximately 15 hours in length, that will introduce the content to the coaches, required for this level. If all the modules, plus Making Ethical Decisions, are complete, the coach will receive Trained status following workshop 1.
After Workshop 1, the coach will develop a Yearly Training Plan, to be used with an athlete throughout the year. The YTP is to be submitted to the evaluator for review. An In-Practice evaluation will also be scheduled, for the evaluator to assess the coaches skills.
Once complete, the coach will attend the second workshop, which is at minimum, a year after the first. Here their YTP will be evaluated, along with their workbook and log book. Following Workshop 2, the LF will schedule an in-competition evaluation, to assess the coaches skills coaching their archers, in a competition setting. If successful, the coach will be given Certified Status.
Archery – High Performance Competition Development – Advanced Gradation (Currently in development)
This content is currently in development phase. This level will be intended for coaches who want to pursue High Performance Coaching, at a highly competitive level. More information to follow.
Example of coaches: National Team Coaches
Coaching Clinics
Coaching clinics are primarily facilitated via communication with the Executive Director who relays the request to be considered with the Coaching Coordinator and the VP-Technical. The approval of hosting a coaching clinic is based on the availability of the learning facilitators and the demand in the requested area. A minimum number of 8 attendees is required to put on a clinic, if this number is not met, the host club is required to pay for the empty seats. If you wish to put a request forward please email execdirector@bcarchery.cacoaching clinics coming up/scheduled
If you are an individual interesting in attending a coaching clinic we have a running waitlist. To be put on the wait list please contact the Executive Director and include membership information.
Coaching Mentorship Program
Are you interested in being a mentor to new coaches? Maybe you're a new coach that would like to benefit from the experience of an existing coach? Or perhaps you just want to boost your confidence in an area of coaching where you haven't had much opportunity to practice!Reach out now to be matched with a coach or be set up to be a mentor!
Coach Mentoring Program
Mentorship Handbook