BC Winter Games
Archery is a "core sport" in the BC Winter Games which gives our athletes a unique opportunity to compete in a multi-sport event.The BC Winter Games are BC’s premier multi-sport event for young athletes, coaches, and officials. Taking place every two years, the next Games will be in Trail/Rossland, February 26 to March 1 2026 .

This is your opportunity to train to represent your zone at the BC Games. Athletes who shoot Compound, Recurve or Barebow, who are between 15-17 years of age as at December 31, 2026 are eligible to quality for the BC Winter Games (born in 2009, 2010, or 2011). See the technical package for details.

There are eight zones in the province. See what zone your home community is in and cheer for your Zone team!
Athlete Info
Registration fee:
If selected to a Zone team, athletes will be required to pay a $225 registration fee.*Travel to the Games
All members of the Teams must be accompanied by at least one of the Coaches. No team member may board Games' transport without a designated coach available to accompany them. Each Zone will have a regional pickup point that may be assigned by the Games. Athletes must make their own way to the pickup point designated by the Zone Coach.Transportation will be arranged by the Games for pick-up within your Zone. Transportation will primarily be in the form of a charter bus or possibly Charter flights.
Venue and accommodations
Event venue, Accommodations & Meals to be announced!All Athletes and Coaches MUST stay in Games' provided accommodations. (Exceptions may be made for athletes for medical circumstances--contact the Provincial Advisor for more information)
Eligible age:
Born in 2009, 2010, 2011Eligible equipment categories:
Compound, Recurve and BarebowMembership:
Must be a member in good standing of BC Archery in order to participate in the Trials and/or the GamesAll participants must abide by the following:
- Games General Rules
- Games Code of Conduct
- Archery Technical Package
- BC Archery Code of Conduct
- BC Archery Fair Play policy
- BC Archery Dispute Resolution policy group
Frequently Asked Questions
Coach & Officials Resources
Roles of Coaches at the GamesRoles of other people at the Games
CRC check and Safe Sport certification is required.
Coaching and/or Officials certification must not be expired.
BC Archery membership is required (must be in good standing)
Zone shirts
BC Archery has organized the ordering of the Zone shirts in order to ease the burden on the Coaches and minimize regional disparities. The cost of the team shirt is included in the athlete's registration fee. Shirts will be distributed at Thursday's Practice session at the Games.Fundraising:
The Provincial Advisor has been fundraising ahead of the Trials and team selection. Fundraising efforts have included the sale of Epicure Fundraiser boxes and 50/50 draws at Championship events. Any amounts raised by the PA will be shared evenly among the athletes named to the 2025 Games team to offset the registration fee.Zone teams are encouraged to do further fundraising events.
At the 2024 Games, athletes benefited from $1650 of funds raised through 50/50 draws and the Epicure Fundraising Program that were organized by the Provincial Advisor. That worked out to $33 per athlete.
Every dollar raised helps the Games athletes with their registration fees. The next Games is in 2026, so that gives 2 years to raise even more funds for the next group of young champions.
When at a BC Championship event, please participate in the 50/50 draws to support fundraising efforts.
If you have ideas for other ways to raise money, please contact the Provincial Advisor.
Darby Mummery, Interim Provincial Advisor, Executive DirectorLora-Lee Murray, President
Assistant Provincial Advisor (position vacant, contact PA for info)